Register Number Lookup

All financial transactions created record to the GL Register table.  Each transaction saved to this table contains a unique Register Number.  The Register Number Lookup option with the General Ledger module, is used to view the entire Journal Entry connected to transactions posted by Users.  

Type in the Register Number then click the Refresh Button   to the right of the Register Number field. The form will fill in with the debits and credits for the Journal Entry for the requested Register Number.

So where do I find the Register Number to use for the Register Number Lookup?

The Register Number is displayed in many areas of the application.  Continue on  for a listing of some of the primary display locations of Register Numbers.

Below is a listing of some of the primary display locations of Register Numbers throughout the SedonaOffice application.

  • Service Ticket; Journal Tab
  • Job Record; GL Journal
  • Accounts Payable/Vendor/Vendor Detail
  • Customer Explorer/Journal Detail