Pulling a List of All Notes for a Customer

There are times where customers need to output all the notes on an account.  There is not a report or way to print out those notes from SedonaOffice.  Below are the steps to take to get a list of all of the notes listed on the account.


The notes list will be all notes for a specific account unless you follow the directions to give all notes for all accounts.


1.Click on the SQL button in SedonaOffice. 

If you have to add a password you may not have access

2.Copy the script below changing the highlighted fields

a.Then Paste in the SQL Command window

b.Hit Enter key or click on the Green Arrow


  • To only pull specific customer remove the double dash “--“ that is in front of each Where and add the double dash “--“ that is in front of Order By
  • Change the Green Highlighted areas as needed

SELECT Type='GEN','SVC/Job'='',c.Customer_Number,c.Customer_Name,cn.Note_Date,cn.UserName,cn.Notes

FROM AR_Customer_Notes cn

INNER JOIN AR_Customer c on c.Customer_Id = cn.Customer_Id

--WHERE c.customer_number = '48685-2'



Type='COL','SVC/Job'='',c.Customer_Number,c.Customer_Name, n.Note_Date, n.UserCode as UserName,n.Notes

FROM AR_Collection_Notes n

INNER JOIN AR_Collection_Queue q on q.Collection_Queue_Id = n.Collection_Queue_Id

INNER JOIN AR_Customer c on c.Customer_Id = q.Customer_Id

--WHERE c.customer_number = '48685-2'



Type='JOB',j.Job_Code as'SVC/Job',c.Customer_Number,c.Customer_Name, jn.Entered_Date as Note_Date,jn.UserCode as UserName,jn.Notes

FROM OE_Job_Notes jn

INNER JOIN OE_Job j on j.Job_Id =jn.Job_Id

INNERJOIN AR_Customer c on c.Customer_Id =j.Customer_Id

--WHERE c.customer_number = '48685-2'



Type='SVC',CAST(t.Ticket_Number as varchar(50)) as 'SVC/Job',

c.Customer_Number,c.Customer_Name, sn.Entered_Date as Note_Date,sn.UserCode as UserName,sn.Notes

FROM  SV_Service_Ticket_Notes sn

INNER JOIN SV_Service_Ticket t on t.Service_Ticket_Id =sn.Service_Ticket_Id

INNER JOIN AR_Customer c on c.Customer_Id =t.Customer_Id

--WHERE c.customer_number = '48685-2'

--Order by c.customer_number

3.Copy data Results to export out

a.Highlight the 1st line in the Results

b.Use Control+C to copy data

4.Paste data Results into Excel or Word

a.Open application to paste the data into

b.Then Control+V to Paste

c.You may still need to clean up or move Notes with multiple lines so in one cell, or can move under the other notes cell

Spreadsheet Cleaned Up: