SedonaSetup - SV - Setup Defaults for Service

This setup option consists of three forms which contain information that will be used as defaults when creating System records:, Service Tickets, and defining G/L Accounts for service related expenses.  

Definitions of each field on each setup tab are described below.

General Setup Tab
The General form is used to setup information which is mostly related to how labor will be invoiced to the Customer.  Each data entry field will be described below and on the following page.

  • Default Service Company – This will be the default Service Company that will be assigned to each new system record created.  The User may override this value when creating the system record.
  • Next Ticket # – Enter the starting number that you will have the system automatically assign to service tickets.
  • Ticket Printing – There are two options available; you may select one or both options depending on your company preference.
  • Note Access Level – Select the security Access Level that will default when entering a new Ticket Note; choices are Level 1 or Level 2.
  • Schedule By – Select one of the two radio buttons; Technician Expertise Level or Routes.
  • Warning Message Setup – Enter values that will determine when a warning message will be presented to a User after a certain number of Technician Ticket Appointments have been completed.  The warning message is displayed when opening the Customer Explorer record for the Customer.
  • Warranty Type – Select the default Warranty Type that will be used on each new system created; this may be overridden.
  • Service Level – Select the default Service Level that will be used on each new system created; this may be overridden.
  • Invoice Category – Select the default Category Code that will default on Service Tickets.  This is typically the Service category; this may be overridden if the User has been granted security permissions to do so.
  • Invoice Description – Select the default Invoice Description that will be used on all Service Invoices; this may be overridden by the user creating the invoice.
  • Parts Item Code – Select the default Item Code that will be used when billing for parts.  If an Item Code was entered on the Service Level setup, that will take precedence over this default.

GL Setup Tab

Labor to GL

If your company will be recording the labor dollars expended on Tickets to the general ledger, two options for expensing labor are available:

  • Expense at Time of Entry - if this option is selected, when dispatch times are entered for the Technician Appointment, the labor dollars will be expensed immediately.
  • Expense through WIP (Work in Process) - If this option is selected, the labor will post to the Work in Process account specified on this form.  When the Ticket is invoiced, the amount posted to the WIP account will clear to the Labor expense account specified on this form.  The labor dollars recorded to the general ledger will use the Technicians labor rate or the Override rate, if a value was entered on this setup form.
  • Labor Expense Account – Select the G/L account that will be used when posting the expense for the service labor.
  • Labor Deferred – Select the G/L account that will be used when posting the deferred expense for the service labor.  This is the offset account that is used when using WIP or Expensing at the time of entry.
  • Labor WIP – Select the G/L account that will be used when posting the service labor into WIP.
  • Override Tech Rate – If a value is entered into this field, labor dollars applied to Tickets will use this as the hourly Technician rate.  If the value is left at zero, the hourly rate from the Technician setup (Installation form) will be used.

Misc WIP Setup

  • WIP Account – If your company is using WIP for Tickets, select the G/L Account number that will be used as the WIP account for miscellaneous expenses for Tickets.

Inventory Processing

  • Use WIP for Service Parts – If this checkbox is selected, you will then select which G/L account to which service part costs will post when parts are issued to a Ticket.  If using WIP for service parts, this account will be credited and the Service COGS account will be debited either when the service ticket is invoiced or closed.
  • Service COGS – Select the G/L Account number that will be used to record the expense for parts used on Tickets.

Default To Expense Inventory

If this option is selected, inventory parts will be expensed at the Service Company level.

  • When Invoiced – If the Expense Inventory on Service Tickets option was selected, by selecting this option, inventory parts will be expensed when the Ticket is invoiced.  If this option is not selected, inventory parts will be expensed when the service ticket is closed.

GL Accounts for Misc Expense Tab

This optional setup form is used to create a list of available G/L Accounts that may be used for Miscellaneous expenses related to Tickets.  If any entries are made into this list, when creating a Purchase Order or entering an A/P Bill or Credit on the Expense tab, only these G/L Accounts will be available to the User.

Using this option is highly recommended to prevent Users from selecting inappropriate G/L Accounts for Miscellaneous Expenses.  Additional accounts may be added at a later time as necessary.