Credit Requests Setup

Before creating the employee setups for Credit Requests, it must first be determined how Credit Requests will flow within your organization.  You need to ask yourself the questions, who will be the first, second and third person to sign-off on the requests.  Will certain individuals be able to create the Credit Memo without moving to the next level of sign-off.  Once company rules have been established, proceed to the setup steps.  It is not required to use all three levels of sign-off; your company may have one or two sign-off levels only.

The sign-off flow of the Credit Request is determined by the setup in SedonaSetup Employee setup table.  The previously labeled field Supervisor located on the Employee setup form has been re-labeled Supervisor and Credit Request Handoff.  This field controls which employee the Credit Request will be assigned to.   The employee record must be linked to an active User record found in the User setup table. 

The User Group assigned to the User controls fields for Credit Request dollar limits and controls other security options associated with Credit Request.  The User Group assigned to the User has a new field, Credit Memo Limit, where you are able to set the maximum dollar amount limit for a User assigned to a User Group.  The User will not be able to sign-off a Credit Request for an amount over their User Group Credit Memo Limit amount.  Users participating in the Credit Request process do not have to have a Credit Memo Limit assigned to their User Group.

Credit Requests Activation

Prior to using the Credit Requests functionality, the Credit Request Processing Option must be activated in SedonaSetup.  Navigate to the SedonaSetup AR Setup Processing form; on this form is a new checkbox labeled Use Credit Request Processing.  Select this checkbox and click the apply button.  When selecting this option a second checkbox on this form, Require Credit Reason on Credit Memos, is automatically selected and cannot be de-selected.  Once this function is activated, Users will only be able to generate Credit Memos by using the Credit Requests Process.

Setup Processing (AR) - Credit Request Activation

Credit Reason Setup

For companies activating the Credit Request process, the Credit Request field automatically becomes a required field that must be selected on Credit Request form.  Make certain a list of Credit Reasons have been created prior to activating the Credit Request process.  The list of Credit Reasons is entered and maintained in SedonaSetup.

Employee Setup

A sign-off process is not required, however is highly recommended in larger companies (refer to the Planning topic earlier in this section).  For each employee that will be involved in the Credit Request sign-off process, a selection must be made in the Supervisor and Credit Request Handoff field of the Employee setup form.  This will define to whom a Credit Request will be assigned.

The only employee that does not require the Supervisor and Credit Request Handoff be populated would be the employees that have the authority to generate the Credit Memo.  In the Employee setup example provided below, there are three levels of sign-off, Olive, then Maggie, then Carolyn.

Employee Setup - Credit Request Handoff Setup

User Group Credit Memo Limit Setup

For each User involved in the Credit Request process that will be able to sign-off the Credit Request, the User must be assigned to a User Group with a Credit Memo Limit set up and User Group Security privileges that will allow the User access to the various functions of the Credit Request process.  For more information on the User Group Security privileges related to Credit Request Users, refer to the section below titled Credit Requests – User Group Security Options Setup.

For each User Group you may set a Credit Memo Limit amount.  A User assigned to the group with a Credit Memo Limit amount will only be able to approve a Credit Request for up to a total amount of the limit amount assigned to their User Group.  You may have Users that you want to grant the permission to create Credit Requests, but not be able to sign-off on any amount requested.  For these types of Users, their Credit Memo Limit would be set to zero.

In our example above, employees were assigned to one of the three user groups as show below.

  • Olive Jackson – Accounting L1 - $50.00 Credit Memo Limit
  • Maggie Marshall – Accounting L2 - $100.00 Credit Memo Limit
  • Carolyn Johnson – Administrator - $1,000,000.00 Credit Memo Limit