Configuring your System for SedonaEmail

Configuring Your System For SedonaEmail

Now that you have decided to enable SedonaEmail, there are some configuration changes that may need to be made to your internal systems. 

Setting the Preferences for Email

You have four preferences that need to be established in the system. At this time, these are set through SQL and need to be entered by SedonaOffice staff. You need to answer the following four questions:

From Email Address?

Sent emails will indicate that they are from this email address.

From Name?

Sent emails will indicate that they are from this person or company.

Reply To Email?

Sent emails will indicate that the recipient should reply to this email address.

Default Email Subject?

The default subject has the form -  

[Message Info] Invoice #12345      

What would you like entered for the [Message Info]? This could be your company name, blank or whatever you choose.

Submit a case with the answers to these four questions.  We will enter this into your system and begin the validation process for your email domain.

 Validating the Email Domain Name

You will receive an email from Mandrill that looks something like this:

Mandrill is the emailing service we use to manage the distribution of emails. They will not let us use your preferred “reply to” and “from” email addresses until they are confident that you have authorized this. Once you receive the above email, add it to your case so that we can complete the validation process.  

Changes to your DNS server

Two changes need to be made to your DNS server. You will need to contact whoever is responsible for maintaining your email domain so that they can install these changes and enable your server to work with Mandrill. 


Add the following text to your existing SPF settings:

If you do not have an existing SPF record, add the following SPF record:

v=spf1 ?all


Create a TXT record for with the following value:

v=DKIM1; k=rsa;


Note: you replace YOURDOMAIN with whatever your email domain name is.

Installing the Application

Some clients automatically installed the application as a part of updating to version 5.7.57, however, others did not. If you click on the option for Batch Email Invoices and the SedonaEmail queue does not display, you may need to install the application. You can confirm this by browsing to your SedonaOffice directory and verifying the existence of the folder for SedonaEmail.

Verifying SedonaEmail Installation

Open Windows File Explorer

Browse to the SedonaOffice directory

If the above directory does not exist you will need to install the application files. If it does exist and you are unable to launch SedonaEmail, you will need to contact support for assistance.

Installing the Application Files

The file SedonaEmail.zi_ was included as an attachment on the same email that included this document.  

Copy that file and paste it into the SedonaOffice directory.

Rename the file to .zip (change the _ character to a p)

Double click on zip file and the following should open

Right click on the folder and select copy

Click the back button to return to the SedonaOffice directory

Paste the folder into the SedonaOffice directory

Return to the SedonaOffice application and double click on Batch Email Invoices. 

The SedonaEmail application should start. If it does not, review the above steps to be sure you did not miss anything. If you are unable to get the application to start, you will need to contact support for assistance.