View Job Commissions

The Recurring Royalties & Commissions form is used when you want to view a list of all Job Commissions due to employees.  When checks are ready to be written to the employees, you may mark the Royalty lines as due, then mark as paid once the checks have been written.

To view a listing of Job Commissions due to employees, follow the instructions below.

1.  Navigate to the General Ledger module from the Main Application Menu and select the Royalties & Commissions option.

2.  The Royalties & Commissions form will be displayed.  Click the Criteria button located at the upper left of the form.

3.  The Royalty/Commission Selection form will be displayed.  This form is divided into six sections; Type, Due, Paid, Royalties As Of, Salesperson and Vendor.  

  • Type - Select the Job option.
  • Paid - Select the Not Paid option.
  • Royalties As Of - Select the date through which you wish to display a list of Commissions due to Salespersons.
  • Salesperson - Select the box to the left of each Salesperson to be included in the list of commissions due.  If you want to see the total commissions due for an individual Salesperson, just select one Salesperson.

When finished making selections, click the Select button located at the lower right of the form.

4.  A listing of all Job Commissions which met the criteria selected will be displayed in the grid area of the Royalties & Commissions form.  For the Job Commission lines that you wish to mark with a due date, first select the date on which the commissions are due in the Update Date field in the upper right of the form, then check the Due checkbox for each Job Commission line that is ready to be paid on this date.
Click the Save button when finished.

After checks have been written to the Employees (salespersons), return to this form and mark the commission lines as Paid.