Adding Level 2 Credit Card Processing

To add Level 2 Credit Cards for processing, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the Customer Payment Methods screen > Credit Cards Tab.
  2. Next to Procurement Code, enter 17-characters (letters and numbers).
  3. Next to P-Card Allowed Use
    1. Select Invoice if you want the P-Card used for an invoice.
      • This will send the invoice number, tax amount, and procurement code to the Forte transaction.
    2. Select Advance Deposit if you want the P-Card used for an advanced deposit.
  4. Select Save.

By entering the Procurement Code and selecting the use for the P-Card, you will see if it is allowed for invoice payments or advanced deposit payments. If the procurement card is not allowed to be used, you cannot save or submit the payment.

NOTE: Any messages in SedonaOffice for procurement cards use “allow” or “allowed” instead of “authorized” to avoid confusion with status messages related to Forte.