Vendor Explorer

Once a Vendor record is created, the Vendor Explorer may be accessed by navigating to Accounts Payable/Vendors and selecting a Vendor record from the Vendors list.  The Vendor Explorer displays all transactions created for a particular Vendor.  Many transactions that are performed from the Main Application Menu may also be performed from a Vendor Explorer record such as entering bills and credits, creating and receiving purchase orders, writing checks etc. 

The Vendor Explorer is divided into four panes of information; the Vendor tree, Vendor Setup, Vendor Information, Active Pane.  Definitions of each pane are listed below; detailed information on the Vendor Tree options begin on this page and continue to page 5 (follow the page links at the bottom of this page). 

  • Vendor Tree - Contains a list of options for displaying transactional information and for performing accounts payable related transactions.
  • Vendor Address/Phone Information - Displays the Vendor Name, PO Address and contact names and phone numbers.
  • Vendor Financial Summary - Displays information entered in the Vendor Header setup and outstanding amounts for bills, credits, total net due to the Vendor (bills less credits) and the credit limit amount.
  • Active Pane - When highlighting an option on the Vendor Tree, any information available for the selected option will be displayed in the Active Pane.

The options available on the Vendor Explorer will be described below. 

Vendor Tree 
Some options on Vendor Tree have right-click functions available; when right-clicking on a highlighted tree option, a list of sub-options are displayed for selection. Each Vendor Tree option and the right-click options available will be described below. 
  • Vendor Name - When highlighting the Vendor Name (first option on the Vendor Tree), the active pane will display all open Bills, Credits, Purchase Orders, and Receipts for the Vendor. 
    • Right-Click Options:  None 
  • Vendor Information - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display information from the Vendor Setup. 
    • Right-Click Options:  Edit Vendor 
  • Bills - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all paid and un-paid bills for the vendor. Double-clicking on a bill listed in the Active Pane will open the bill for viewing. The bill may be modified if no payments have been made and the User has the appropriate security permissions granted. 
    • Right-Click Options:  New Bill, Edit Bill 
  • Credits - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all applied and un-applied Credits for the vendor. Double-clicking on a Credit listed in the Active Pane will open the Credit for viewing. The Credit may be modified if no applications have been made to Bills for the Credit and the User has the appropriate security permissions granted. 
    • Right-Click Options:   New Credit, Edit Credit 
  • Credits Applied - When highlighting this option, any credits that have been applied to A/P Bills for this Vendor will be listed in the Active Pane.  Double-clicking on an applied credit listed within the Active Pane will open that Vendor Credit record.
    • Right-Click Options:  None
  • Notes - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all Notes that have been entered for the vendor. Double-clicking on a Note listed in the Active Pane will open the Note for viewing. The Note may be edited or deleted if the User has the appropriate security permissions granted. 
    • Right-Click Options:   Add Notes 
  • Payments - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all checks that have been written to the vendor. Double-clicking on a Payment listed in the Active Pane will open the Check for viewing. The Check may be voided or modified if the User has the appropriate security permissions granted. 
    • Right-Click Options:   New Payment,  Edit Payment 
  • Purchase Orders - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all Purchase Orders that have been created for the vendor. Double-clicking on a Purchase Order listed in the Active Pane will open the Purchase Order for viewing. The Purchase Order may be modified if the User has the appropriate security permissions granted. 
    • Right-Click Options:   New Purchase Order,  Edit Purchase Order,  Receive Purchase Order 
  • Purchase Price Variances - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all Purchase Price Variances that have been recorded for the vendor. Double-clicking on a Purchase Price Variance record listed in the Active Pane will open the transaction that caused the variance for viewing. A Purchase Price Variance is automatically recorded to the general ledger when a bill is entered for an amount that is different from the received cost on a Purchase Order for inventory parts. 
    • Right-Click Options:   None 
  • Receipts - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all Purchase Order Receipts that have been created for the vendor. Double-clicking on a Receipt listed in the Active Pane will open the Receipt for viewing. The Receipt may be modified if the User has the appropriate security permissions granted. 
    • Right-Click Options:   New Receipt,  Edit Receipt 
  • Returns - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all Return to Vendor records that have been created for the vendor. Double-clicking on a Return listed in the Active Pane will open the Return record for viewing. The Return may be modified if a Vendor Credit has not yet been entered for the Return and the User has the appropriate security permissions granted. 
    • Right-Click Options:  New Return,  Edit Return 
  • Journal Detail - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display the debit and credit transactions recorded to the General Ledger associated with the vendor. Double-clicking on a Journal Detail line listed in the Active Pane will open the Journal Entry recorded to the General Ledger. This information may not be edited. 
    • Right-Click Options:   None 
  • Journal Summary - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display the total debit and credit amounts for each unique G/L Account number recorded to the General Ledger associated with the vendor. This information is view only. 
    • Right-Click Options:  None 
  • G/L Accounts - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display a listing of all General Ledger Account numbers that have been entered on a Purchase Order, Repair Order, Bill, Credit, Vendor Return or associated with the vendor. This information is view only. 
    • Right-Click Options:  None 
  • Parts - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all Parts where the vendor is listed as a supplier on the Part setup. Double-clicking on a Part listed in the Active Pane will open the Part in edit mode. 
    • Right-Click Options:  New Part,  Edit Part 
  • Documents - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display a listing of all Documents that have been saved to the Vendor record. Expanding the Documents tree will display document folders for Purchase Orders, Receipts, Bills and Checks. Clicking on each individual folder will display the documents saved to the folder. 
    • Right-Click Options:   Add Document,  Scan Document