How to Control Automatically Copying Fields from SedonaOffice to Manitou

This document will go over how to control what is copied from SedonaOffice to Manitou automatically using the Legacy/OCX version of the integration.  The version these steps cover is for SedonaOffice


These steps cover the option from the SedonaOffice side of the setup and assume the user has the proper permissions to access these tables in the SedonaSetup.  The option controls the Copy to CS option located in Site Edit.   When checked it will automatically copy the common fields if the site is integrated to Manitou.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

If option is Unchecked, then data will not be automatically pushed over to Manitou.  If option is Checked, then data will be automatically pushed.


  1. In the Sedona Office Tree – Select Sedona Setup

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


  1. Click on Integration Setup
  2. Select the Manitou Descripton in the top portion of the window
  3. In the Integration Edit at the bottom - Uncheck the option Update Common Fields

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click Apply


  1. After change is either, turning off or on, go back into a site edit and verify the Copy to CS option is either Unchecked or Checked, depending on how the option was changed in Integration Setup.