Parts Overview and Topics

All Inventory transactions revolve around Parts that are setup and maintained from the Parts option within the Inventory module. 

Inventory Parts are created and maintained from the Inventory Parts Lookup form. 

SedonaOffice customers who have activated the Stock Tracking function in SedonaSetup/Setup Modules will have access to inventory tracking functions contained within the Parts Explorer. 

SedonaOffice customers who have not activated Stock Tracking will have the ability to enter parts, vendors from whom the parts are purchased (and default unit costs), alternate part numbers, Custom Fields, Documents, but will not have access to the Part Warehouse form, the Parts Explorer, or the Warehouse Explorer.

If your company is not using Stock Tracking, the SedonaOffice database is delivered with a default warehouse labeled "Main" warehouse.  All inventory parts entered into the application are automatically linked to this default warehouse.

With Stock Tracking activated, your company has the option of setting the default warehouse that will be used as the primary warehouse of each part in SedonaSetup/Inventory Setup.  When creating new parts, each part is automatically linked to the default warehouse.

Follow the topic links below for Part related information.

Create a New Part

Editing a Part Setup

Part Kit Setup

Part Price Levels

Material Handler Security

Parts Search
Parts Explorer

Parts Explorer - Part Tree Details

Parts Explorer - Warehouse Level