SedonaSetup - AR - Setup Processing for A/R

The Accounts Receivable Setup Processing form contains several options which control various functions within the Accounts Receivable module.

Definitions of each option on this setup form are shown below.


  • Next Invoice - SedonaOffice will automatically number your customer invoices consecutively.  You will need to enter your preferred starting invoice number.  You may first want to find the highest invoice number from your legacy system; you should set this number much higher so that you will be able to distinguish your converted invoices from your new invoices created in SedonaOffice.
  • When creating Customer Credit Memos, the application numbers these using the same numbering pool as the Customer Invoices.
  • Auto Job Number / Next Job Number – If implementing the Job Management module, you have the option of allowing SedonaOffice to automatically assign a job number or you may manually enter your own job numbers.  By checking the Auto Job Number box, the application will populate the Job Number field of an installation job.  Your first job number will be the number entered in the Next Job Number field on this form.  Subsequent jobs created will increment the job number by the value of one.  If you elect to enter your own job numbers, leave the Auto Job Number box un-checked.
  • Auto Customer / Next Customer - You have the option of allowing SedonaOffice to automatically assign a Customer number to each new Customer created, or you may manually assign your own Customer numbers.  By checking the Auto Customer box, the application will populate the Customer Number field of each new Customer record. Your first Customer number will be the number entered in the Next Customer field on this form.  If you elect to enter your own Customer numbers, leave the Auto Customer box un-checked.  Manually entered customer numbers may be numeric or alpha-numeric or all alpha characters.  The maximum number of characters allowable for a customer number is 15.
  • Require System Account - If this option is selected, you will be required to enter a value in the System Account field of the System data entry form.  The system account is commonly referred to as the central station account number.
  • Require Unique System Account Company Wide - If this option is selected, the System Account field value entered must be a unique value for each System record. 

Invoicing and Credits

  • Cycle Beginning Day – This option pertains to the method SedonaOffice will use in billing your customers for recurring services.  Two options are available; First Day of Month or Day of Service Start.
    • If First Day of Month is selected, the customer’s recurring charges will always be invoiced in full calendar months.  For example if the billing cycle is quarterly and the recurring start date is set to 06/15/2022 and the next cycle date is set to June 2015, the first cycle invoice will be generated for the pro-rated portion of the billing cycle; from 06/15/22 through 08/31/22.  On the September 2022 cycle invoice the customer will be billed for the entire quarter.
    • If Day of Service is selected, the customer’s recurring charges will be billed starting on the date entered on the recurring line and continue in this fashion.  For example: the recurring start date is set to 06/15/2022.  The customer’s recurring invoice service period for a monthly cycle will be 06/15/2022 through 07/14/2022.  The next month’s invoice would cover 07/15/2022 through 08/14/2022 and so forth.

You must select one of the two options above, which is a global setting; all recurring services will be billed using the same method selected above.

  • Print Customer Number on Invoices and Statements – If this option is selected, the SedonaOffice billing customer number will be printed on all customer invoices and statements.
  • Allow Printed Invoices to be Edited – If this option is selected, a User who has the proper permissions will be able to edit invoices as long as the invoice date is in an open accounting period and no payments or credits have been applied to the invoice.  If this option is not selected, once an invoice has been printed it will become locked and no changes to any of the information will be allowed.  
  • Enter Separate Posting Date for Invoices and Credits – Selecting this option will allow a User entering customer invoices or customer credit memos to select the date the item will post to the General Ledger.  The posting date selected must be in an accounting period with an open status.  If this option is not selected, the Invoice Date is used as the G/L posting date.
  • Allow Direct Invoicing to Master Account – Selecting this option will enable a User to create an invoice and post directly to the Master Account.  If this option is not selected, you will only be able to create an invoice under one of the Subaccounts linked to the Master Account.
  • Use Credit Request Processing – Selecting this will activate the Credit Request approval process.  If this option is selected you will not be able to manually create a Customer Credit Memo.
  • Require Credit Reason on Credit Memos – If this option is selected, a user will be required to select a Credit Reason when creating a Credit Memo or Credit Request.


  • GL Categories Required for Income and Expenses – If this option is selected, a user will be required to select a valid Category code prior to posting an Income or Expense transaction.  It is highly recommended this option be selected.  This will provide consistent reporting in your financial type reports.  
  • Activate Customer Group Security by User – If this option is selected, each customer record must be assigned to a Customer Group.  You must first set up records in the Customer Group Setup table to enable this option.  If your company is activating the use of Customer Groups, a field will be displayed to select the default Customer Group.
  • Enable Activity Tracking – SedonaOffice automatically logs additions to or changes made to Customer related information; this log is viewable on the Customer Explorer under the tree option labeled Sedona Event Log.  If this option is selected, a form will be displayed to the User for entering a comment to provide details of the action they have performed.  Such activities include re-printing an invoice, changing customer information etc.  The User has the option of closing the comment form without entering information however the activity is still saved to the Customer's Sedona Event Log.  It is highly recommended this option be selected.
  • Screen Employee by Type – Each employee in the Employee setup table is assigned an employee type.  In several data entry forms, all employees will display within the drop-down list from which the User will make a selection.  If the field is the Salesperson field and you only want to see a list of  employees that are assigned a type of salesperson, then you would want to activate this option.
  • Allow Site Only RMR – By selecting this option, a User would be able to create a recurring line at the site level.  This means the User could set up a recurring line without first creating a System record.
  • Group Deferred Revenue By - This feature allows you to select how you want the Deferred Income transactions posted to the Deferred Income.
    • G/L Account - if this method is selected, when transactions are recorded to the Deferred Income account, the G/L account (typically Income account) linked to the Invoice Item will be used for the level of detail.
    • Item Type - if this method is selected, when transactions are recorded to the Deferred Income account, the Invoice Item will be used for the level of detail.  This is typically the preferred method because it provides more detail for reporting purposes.
  • Require Tape Totals to Match Deposit Amount in order to make Deposit - If this option is selected (recommended), a payment batch may only be deposited to a bank account if the Tape Total (batch total entered by the User) is equal to the total amount of customer payments entered into the batch.