Jobs WIP Monthly Audit

This report was designed for a specific SedonaOffice customer according to their specifications.  The purpose of this report is to assist auditing WIP (work-in-process) amounts on Jobs.  Base upon the date range selected by the User, the report provides a beginning balance, increases, decreases and an ending balance for the various WIP accounts (Accrued Income, Material, Labor, Commissions, and Other).

Report Selections

Date Range - This option will default to the Current Accounting Period.  If a different Accounting Period or specific Date range is desired, select either the Accounting Period option or Dates option.  Once an option is selected,  select an Accounting Period range or Date range.

Branches - The report default is to print data for all active Branches.  If it is desired to print the data associated with one or multiple Branches, you may select the checkbox to the left of each branch desired.

      · Hide Inactive Branches - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches, select this option.

Include Reversed Jobs – By default, reversed jobs are included.  If a job is reversed, the date the job was reversed will display as the Closed Date and an ‘R’ will appear to its left. 

WIP is broken out into accrued income, material, labor, commission and other.  The rules for determining which GL accounts to be included in this report are based on values within SedonaSetup.