Example of a Company Rate Change Excluding Accounts

Below are the steps to output the accounts that are to be excluded in a Company Rate Change.

  • Always backup data before running any rate increases and it is a best practice to do testing of any rate change in the Sandbox first. 


  1. Customer QueryBuilder List
  1. Click on Query – Customer QueryBuilder

  1. When the window opens – double-click to select the fields from the left side list to be displayed in Frame 1 – then Left click on each field to be Dragged and Dropped into Frame 2 and Frame 3 as shown below:

Fields Selected:

Customer – Customer_Number

Site – Site_Name

System – Alarm_Account

Recurring – Sub_Item_Of

Recurring – Item_Code

Recurring – Cycle_Amount

  1. Click on the Green Arrow to display the rows after all fields are selected – this will show all of the Customer Accounts with the Item Code to be increased and will order the rows by Sub_Item_Of, then Customer as shown below:

  1. Notate each Sub_Item_Of that shows the item more than once per customer
  2. Drag and Drop Sub_Item_Of from the list on the left and add to Frame 2 – Select Relation <> N/A as shown below:

  • Then only the actual Sub_Item_Of that is listed for Item_Code needed will then display and not the N/A

  1. Save the output by Clicking on Export Button at bottom of the window – Pick the path and folder where to save data – Save as a .csv file

  1. Click OK after confirmation Export Complete

  1. Managing CSV file for Import
  1. Open the CSV file that was exported into Excel

  1. Will need to condense the file to only 1 (one) Customer_Number and Site_Name

  1. Once completed – save file as the updated CSV file

  1. Importing List into Company Rate Increase
  1. Open Company Rate Increase
  2. Fill in the Setup Information Tab

  1. Fill in the Branches Tab

  1. Set the Items Amount(s) in the Items Tab

  1. In the Import List Tab – Click on Import File – Open the saved condensed file – Click on Exclude  Imported Customers after file loads


  1. Add any notes in the Notes Tab

  1. In the Customers Tab – Click on Get Customers – this list should not show any of the customers that are listed in the Import List Tab

Post Rate Change Tab – Fill in RMR Reason – Invoice Memo - Click on Post - Click on Yes to Post - Click on OK Once Complete