Part Kit Setup

A Part Kit combines several parts into a single part or “kit”.  These “kits” are typically purchased and sold as one part with its own unique part number and cost associated with it. 

Kit type parts may be ordered on a Purchase Order, then later break out the individual parts that make up the kit if the Kit is being purchased to take advantage of favorable pricing from the Vendor.

Before building a Part Kit, make certain that every part that will be contained in the kit has been setup as an individual part in your parts list.

Building the Kit 
Once a part number has been flagged as a Kit in the Part Detail setup, a new setup form will be displayed to the right of the Warehouse form labeled Parts in Kit.  This form is used to list all the parts and quantities of each part of which the kit is comprised.  

A Part Kit is built by adding individual Parts to the kit list, selecting how many of that part is used in the kit and a Break-out Allocation percentage. 

The Break-out Allocation is the percent of the total cost of the kit allocated to the part within the kit.

If your company is using the Average Costing Method, this allocation value is used when ‘Breaking Out’ a Kit into its individual Parts.

Data Entry Fields

  • Part, Description - Select a part using the lookup button to the right of the field or the User may manually type in the part number if the exact part number is known.  Once a part is selected, the description field will automatically be filled in.
  • Quantity - Enter the quantity of this part that is contained in the kit.
  • Breakout Allocation % - Enter the percentage of the kit purchase cost that is allocated to this part.  If the quantity of this part in the kit is greater than one, the allocation percentage would include all of the quantities of this single part.

Once all parts have been entered, click the Save button.  The total of all Allocation % must equal 100%; the kit may not be saved until 100% of the cost has been allocated to the parts in the kit list.