SedonaWeb 2.0 - How to Pay Invoices

Customers have the option to either pay a single invoice or pay all open invoices when using SedonaWeb 2.0.   This document will go over how to do each transaction.


After a customer logs into their online account, the home page will show if there is a current balance due on the account.  Click on Invoices tab to see what invoices are outstanding and ready for payment.

Invoices Tab

In the Open Invoices page, there are two options to pay the open invoices.  Pay Open Invoices Button or Pay It Button – either button will open the Pay Open Invoices page where all or one of the open invoices can be paid.

Pay Open Invoices Page

How to pay one invoice at a time

1.  Click on the Select Payment Methods dropdown to select the type of payment (Credit Card or Bank) and what method is on file for the customer (Credit Card or Bank Account)

2.  Once those are selected, click on the Invoice to pay checkbox and fill in the amount to pay on that invoice.   The total will show in the yellow box next to the payment method.   Click on the button to pay the invoice.

3. Once payment is made without errors, will show Success in a Green Box in right upper corner and will also say Payment Successful!  Now can click on Print or Close to get out of the window.

How to pay multiple invoices at the same time

1.  Click on the Select Payment Methods dropdown to select the type of payment (Credit Card or Bank) and what method is on file for the customer (Credit Card or Bank Account)

2.  Once those are selected, click on the Invoice to pay checkboxes that are to be paid and fill in the amount to pay on each invoice.    The total will show in the yellow box next to the payment method.  Click on the button to pay the invoice once ready.

3.  Once payment is made without errors, will show Success in a Green Box in the right upper corner and will also say Payment Successful!  Now can click on Print or Close to get out of the window.

Open Invoices Page after payment(s) made

Once all invoices are paid, there will be no more listed showing open for payment