Export Batch Manager Options

Across the top of the Batch Manager form are several option buttons to help manage the print files created and uploaded to Sebis.
Each of the option buttons will be described below.

Batches Button
When clicking on the Batches button, a list of all print files will be displayed in the list.  This list will continue to grow over time.  This list may be re-sorted by clicking on any of the column headers.

Exports Button
When clicking on the Exports button, a list of batches that have not yet been archived will be displayed.

Backups Button
When clicking on the Backups button, a list of batches that have been archived will be displayed.  This will be a growing list over time.

Settings Button
When clicking on the Settings button, the Export Profile form will be displayed.  This is where all the setup information is stored and maintained for uploading print files to Sebis.

Printed Button
The Printed button is used to set the confirmed date on a print file that has been uploaded.  Highlight the file for which you have received confirmation the file was received (by Sebis), then click the Printed button; today's date will auto-fill the Confirmed field within the Batch Manager list.

Upload Button
The Upload button is used to transmit a print file to Sebis.

Archive Button
The Archive button is used to remove the print file from the un-confirmed list to the list of files in the Backups list.  Highlight the file for which you have received confirmation the file was received (by Sebis), then click the Archive button; the file will disappear from the Batch Manager list.

View Button
The View button is used when you want to open and view a print file.  Files that are listed in the Exports List or the Backups List may be opened for viewing.
First click on the View drop-down arrow and select either Excel or Notepad as the program to use for viewing the file.  Next click once on the file within the list then click on the View button.  The print file will open with your selected program.

 If a file is opened for viewing, do not make any changes to the data file.  This will corrupt the file and will not be able to be processed by Sebis.