Removing a Change Order from the WeSuite Import Queue

On occasion a Change Order needs to be reset in WeSuite due to the Change Order not importing correctly, the information is not correct, or it was added manually to the Job in Sedona.

Change Orders appear in Red in the WeSuite Import Queue.

This is the only process available to Remove the Change Orders from the Queue.

WeSuite Import Queue In Sedona

In Sedona Office go to the WeSuite Import Queue.

Find the Project Number (Job Number) of the Change Order that needs to be removed from the Queue.

Change Orders appear in Red.

In WeSuite

Go to WeSuite and enter the Project Number/Job Number for that Change Order in the Search Field of the Dashboard.

Double-click on the Change Order.

Select the “Accounting” Tab and Select “Reset”

A Warning Message will open letting you know this will remove the information from the WeSuite Job Queue in Sedona - click OK. 

Another Message will open letting you know that Change Order needs to be closed and then you can Re-open it. Click OK. 

From the Dashboard click "Open Last Estimate"

When the Change Order opens, click on the "Accounting" Tab again.

Select "Mark as Imported"

A message will open letting you know it will be marked as Imported and will not be available for Import. Click OK. 

That Change Order will no longer appear in the WeSuite Job Queue in Sedona.