Follow the instructions below to mark Bills for payment using a Credit Card. When using this method, the software credits off all bills marked for payment, and then a new Bill is automatically created on the Credit Card Vendor's account.
For detailed information on each field contained on the Pay Bills form and the use thereof, refer to Pay Bills Form Definitions.
When paying bills with a credit card, a single Vendor must be selected.
1. Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select Accounts Payable/Pay Bills. The Pay Bills form will be displayed.
2. Select the desired Vendor from the drop-down list.
3. By default, all bills that are due as of today’s date will be displayed, however the User may change this to a past or future date to display a filtered list of bills to mark for payment.
4. Select the Payment Date; this will be the date the bills will be marked paid on the Vendor account and the date a new bill will be created on the Credit Card Vendor account for the payment.
5. Select the Credit Card radio button then select the credit card to be used from the drop-down list.
6. If credits will be used, navigate to the Vendor Credits tab and select the Credits to be applied prior to selecting which Bills will be paid.
7. On the Vendor Bills tab check the Pay box to the left of each Bill to be paid.
8. Once all Bills and Credits have been selected, press the Save button located at the lower right of the Pay Bills form.
Once the bills marked for payment have been saved, a Credit transaction is created on the Vendor record for whom bills were paid and a Bill will be created and posted to the Credit Card Vendor. No check will be written.