How to Get Late Fees to Print on Invoices

If the late fee showing on a customer’s account was created during statement generation, then it will not automatically show on invoice statements printed from the customer account.

To get a late fee to show on the invoice statement, follow these steps –

  1. Pull up the customer’s account
  2. Double click on the invoice you wish to send to the customer
  3. Click the Print Preview button in the top icon bar of SedonaOffice (a white paper with a magnifying glass in the corner)
  4. Select the desired Form, likely Bridgestone Standard. Note that not all invoice forms show late fees; Bridgestone Standard does.
  5. When the Printing Preferences window pops up, navigate to the Late Fees tab.
  6. Check the box “Show Late Fees”
  7. Check the box “Recalculate Late Fees”
  8. Click OK

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. If the invoice qualified for a late fee according to the criteria, then the late fee will display on the invoice preview as in the example below –

A close-up of a receiptDescription automatically generated