Enter a Bill-Match to a Receipt

Once a Purchase Order is received for Inventory Parts and/or Expense Items, a Receipt record is created and posted to the General Ledger. If receiving purchase orders, it is important to always match a bill to a receipt record.  If a bill is entered and not matched to the corresponding receipt record, the Inventory Receipts account on the balance sheet will be overstated.

Follow the instructions below to enter a Bill by matching to a Receipt record. 

1.   A new Bill may be entered by navigating either from Accounts Payable/Bills or from the Vendor Explorer and right-clicking on the Bills tree option and selecting New Bill.

2. After selecting the Vendor, you will be presented with one or two messages. 
The first message states: The Vendor has Open Purchase Orders-would you like to enter a Bill for one of these?; select No to this question. 

The second message states: The Vendor has Open Inventory Receipts-would you like to enter a Bill for one of these?; select Yes to this question.

3. The Select Receipt list will be displayed.  Check the box to the left of the Receipt that is a match for the Bill being entered then click the Save button located at the lower right of the list.  You are able to select multiple receipts if a PO was received in multiple shipments but one bill is received from the Vendor.

4. The Bill form will fill in with the information from the Receipt record.  Fill in or modify the information as needed. 

  • Category - Make certain the correct Category is selected. This will default from the Receipt record, but may be changed. 
  • Reference - In the Reference field enter the Vendor Invoice Number. 
  • Enter the Bill Date - the Payment Due Date will automatically be calculated based on the Bill Date entered and the default Terms for the Vendor.  You may override the Terms Code or the Due Date if needed.
  • Eligible for Discount Amount - If a discount is available for some or all of the bill amount, enter the amount that is eligible to be discounted if the bill is paid within the discount days associated with the Term Code on the Bill.  If the bill is not eligible for a discount, leave this field blank. 
  • Amount - Enter the total amount of the Bill. 
  • Parts Cost - If the part cost is different, you may override the amount displayed in the Cost column.  If the cost is changed, when the Bill is saved, an entry will automatically be recorded to the PPV (Purchase Price Variance) account for the difference between the receipt cost and the bill cost.
  • Expenses - If the Bill being entered is for a Parts Receipt and shipping or other costs a being billed, navigate to the Expense tab of the Bill form and select the G/L account and enter the amount for any other expenses.  Continue on to the next page for detailed information on entering Expense items.
  • Memo - If a memo was entered on the Purchase Order, this will default into the bill. You may change or remove this information if desired. 

The Total field at the lower right of the Bill form keeps track of all amounts entered on the parts and expense tab; if changes are made to the part cost and/or expenses, you must change the Amount in the header of the Bill form.  You will not be able to save the Bill if the Amount in the Header is not equal to the Total field.

5. If your company has subscribed to SedonaDocs, and a document needs to be attached to the Bill, click the Apply button then navigate to the Documents tab and either scan in and attach a document or add an existing saved document.  If no documents are being attached, proceed to step number 6.

6. Once all fields have been populated, click the Save button located at the lower right of the Bill form.

Expense Items
The Expense tab is used to enter miscellaneous expenses by selecting the appropriate G/L Account.  

  • GL Account - If a drop-down arrow is displayed in the right of the field, clicking on the arrow will display a list of previously used G/L Accounts for this Vendor.  You may make a selection from the drop-down list or if the G/L Account needed is not listed, click on the gray G/L Account Lookup button;  this will open the entire chart of accounts from which to make a selection.

If the Bill is linked to a Job, and the drop-down arrow is displayed but the G/L Account Lookup button is not present, this indicates that the Bill is linked to a Job and the Job Type has been setup with a restricted list of G/L Accounts available from which to select.  If this is the situation and you do not find the appropriate G/L Account needed, contact your company's system administrator to add the needed account.

  • Description - The Description field will automatically fill with the description associated with the G/L Account number.  You may override this default description and type in a more pertinent description for the expense if desired.
  • Qty - The Qty field will always default to 1, you may change this if necessary.
  • Rate - Enter the unit price for the item.
  • Amount - The Amount will automatically be calculated by multiplying the values entered in the Qty and Rate fields.
  • Branch - The Branch will default to the Branch last used on the previous Bill entered*; you may change the Branch if necessary by clicking on the drop-down arrow and making a different selection.
  • * If the Bill is linked to a Job or a Ticket, the Branch will auto-fill with the Branch linked to the Job or Ticket.
  • Category - The Category will default to the Category selected in the header of the Bill*; you may change the Category if necessary by clicking on the drop-down arrow and making a different selection.

* If the Bill is linked to a Job or a Ticket, the Category will auto-fill with the Category linked to the Job or Ticket.

  • Job - If a Job Number is present in the header area of the Bill, this same Job Number will auto-fill into this field.  If you are entering a Bill for expenses that will be allocated to multiple Jobs, do not enter a Job Number in the Bill header.  You will then be able to enter multiple expense lines associated with different Job Numbers.
  • Type - This is the Job or Ticket Expense Type.  Make the appropriate selection from the drop-down list.  If your company is using WIP, make certain to select an Expense Type other than 'O'.
  • Pass Item - This field is only used if the expense item is linked to a Job Number.  When clicking on the drop-down arrow, the Invoice Items list will be displayed.  A selection in this field would only be made if you want to push this expense into the Job to invoice your customer for the exact amount of expense.  If a selection is made, once the Bill is saved, the software will automatically create an Install Charge line on the Job.