How to Create a Sebis Invoice Export File

1.   Navigate to the main application menu and select the Accounts Receivable / Print Invoices menu option.
2.   The Select Invoices form will be displayed.  
  • Select the Invoice Types to be included in the export file
  • In the Filter Options area make certain the following options are checked:
    • Only Show Invoices in Print Queue
    • Show ACH Pending Invoices
    • Hide Invoices with a $0 Balance Due.  If credits/payments have been applied to the invoices that take the balance to zero and you want to print these invoices, then leave this box un-checked.
When finished, click on the Create List button located at the lower right of the form.

3.  The Invoice List will be displayed in a grid with all the invoices that met the criteria for the options selected.  
  • In the Print On field (lower left of the form) select BFIS Export from the drop-down list.
  • Click on the Export button (lower right of the form).

4.   The Export Wizard form will be displayed.  Once you make selections on this form, they will be remembered the next time you are ready to create an export file.

  • Title - make the appropriate selection from the drop-down list.  If you are sending out a combo Invoice/Statement, make that selection; otherwise leave this set to Invoice.
  • Scanline Styles - If your company prints a scanline on your invoices, make the appropriate selection from the drop-down list; otherwise skip this field and the Scanline Prefix field.
  • Hide Customer Number - If you do not want to print the SedonaOffice Customer Number on your invoices, check this box.
  • Use Term Code - If you want to print the actual Term Code associated with your invoices i.e.: Due On Receipt instead of printing the actual due date, then check this box.
  • Use resolution note in place... - If you are printing Service Type invoices and you want to print the Resolution Note entered on the Ticket in the Memo field of the invoice, check this box.
  • Show Statement Detail - If you are sending out a combo Invoice/Statement, check this box.

When finished entering the information on this form, click on the Next button at the lower right.

5.   The Item Detail form will be displayed - make the appropriate selections according to your company's policies and procedures.

  • Roll-up Parts to a single Item - This option is related to Job type invoices.  If you have invoiced your customer for individual inventory parts and want to roll-up all parts to print as one line on the invoice, then select this option.
  • Roll-up Install Charges to Single Item - This option is related to Job type invoices.  If you have invoiced your customer for multiple Install Charges and want to roll-up all Install Charge lines to print as one line on the invoice, then select this option.
  • Show Cycle Start\End Dates - This option is related to Cycle Invoices.  When this option is selected, the service period being billed will print on the invoice (this option is usually selected).  If this option is selected you have the option of also printing either the Account # (Central Station Account Number) or the Description (System Type) on the invoice.

When finished making selections on this form, click on the Next button at the lower right.

If you selected the option of Statement Detail on the first setup form (step #4), then the Statement Detail form will be displayed.  If you are not creating Invoice/Statements, continue on to step #7.
6.   The Statement Detail form will be displayed - make the appropriate selections according to your company's policies and procedures.
When finished making selections on this form, click on the Next button at the lower right.

7.   The Export File form will be displayed.  This form will automatically fill in all data entry fields from your setup entries.  Click on the Check Server button - this will confirm that you have connectivity to the Sebis server to upload your file.  You should receive a message confirming you have connectivity.  Click the Next button located at the lower right of the form.

8.   The Export Progress bar will be displayed while the program is creating the export file;  be patient this may take a few seconds.  When the Export File is finished, the words Export Completed will be displayed below the progress bar.  If the Open Batch Manager when finished is not already checked, check this box, then click on the Close button located at the lower right of the form.

9.   The Batch Manager form will be displayed.  Click on the Upload button located at the top of the form.

10.   The Upload File form will be displayed.  Click on the Send button; this will send the print file to Sebis.  A message will be displayed once the upload has successfully completed.  The Uploaded field will fill in with the upload date.

10.   The last step is to mark the batch as printed.  You may minimize the Batch Manager form then return to the form once you receive an email from Sebis confirming the file was received.  Click on the Printed button located at the top of the Batch Manager; today's date will fill into the Confirmed field.