Sales by Salesperson

The Sales by Salesperson Report prints a list of Job and Miscellaneous Invoices and Credit Memos for each Salesperson which meet the criteria of the options selected.  The amounts on this report include sales tax.   Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button to display the report in Print Preview mode.

There are three versions of this report available:

        ·    Summary (default) - prints the total invoices, credits and the net sales amount for each employee

· Detail - prints the invoices, credits and net sale amount for each job and is sorted and grouped by employee

· Detail with Block Layout - same as the detail version except the employee name is repeated for each Job record

Report Selections

Date Range - This option will default to the Current Accounting Period.  If a different Accounting Period or specific Date range is desired, select either the Accounting Period option or Dates option.  Once an option is selected, the User must select an Accounting Period range or Date range.

Show Detail - Selecting this option will list all invoices and credit memo for each customer.

Block Layout - Selecting this option will display the information in a format that is easily sorted if the report is exported to an Excel format.