Is there a way to email an invoice directly to a customer?
Yes. To email an invoice directly to a customer:
The easiest way to do this is to open the invoice and locate the Contact area at the bottom of the invoice.
Make sure there is a contact selected in the Contact field.
Select the button next to the Contact field that looks like an envelope. That icon is the Email this Invoice button.
As long as a contact is selected in the Contact field, if the button is clicked, another window will open to allow for the addition of more notes on the email or more email contacts.
If needed, the Remittance Coupon and Statement Detail can be included by checking the selectable boxes before sending.
To send the invoice, the options are to Send or Send & Close.
Send: This option will send the email but keep the window open.
Send & Close: This option will send the email and close the window.