Enter an EFT Transaction for an Advance Deposit from a Customer Record

If a customer is making a payment for a Job Deposit, the job record must already be created to use this method.  If the job has not yet been created, you must use the Unapplied Cash method.

1.  Open the Customer record for which you want to enter the EFT payment.  On the customer tree click on Payment Options, right-click and select the Add Transaction option.

2.  The New Transaction form will be displayed. 

  • From the drop-down list, select either a bank account or credit card to be used for the transaction.
  • Select the Advance Deposit radio button.
  • Type in a description.  This information appears on the customer’s bank or credit card statement.
  • Enter the Amount of the payment.
  • The Process date will default to today’s date.  If the customer is post-dating this transaction, you may enter a future date into this field.
  • From the drop-down list, select the Job Number for this transaction.

You may select either the Submit Now or Save button.

  • When selecting the Submit Now button, this transaction will automatically be sent to Forte for funding.  If this is a credit card transaction and the customer has available funds on their line of credit to cover this payment, the transaction will be saved to the Approved tab of the EFT Processing grid.  Otherwise, the transaction will be declined and be saved to the Rejected tab.
  • Clicking on the Save button will add this transaction to the Ready tab of the EFT Processing grid to be submitted at a later time.