Manual Job Timesheets

Labor hours and dollars may be applied to Jobs by opening a Job record and entering a Timesheet.  Timesheets may be entered on a daily basis, at the end of a work week or a pay period; this depends on what your company finds the most practical to use.  Just keep in mind, if Timesheets are not entered on a daily basis, your Jobs will not reflect actual Labor Costs until the Timesheets are entered and saved.  If a Job is going over budget on hours/dollars, you may not realize this until days or weeks later.  

The Labor costs that are applied to Jobs are determined by the rates set up for your Installers in SedonaSetup (Installers setup table).  The labor rate entered in the Installer setup may be the same burdened labor rate that is used when preparing customer quotes or the actual labor rate the Installer is paid.  

Follow the steps below for instructions on entering Manual Job Timesheets.

1.  From the Main Application Menu navigate to Job Management and select the Job Queue menu option.

2.  The Open Job List will be displayed.  Highlight the Job within the list then click the Open button located at the lower right of the form or double-click on the Job line.

3.  Click the Labor button on the Job Toolbar.

5.  In the lower section of the form the individual Installer Timesheet information will be entered.

  • Date - Enter or select a date from the calendar on which the work was performed.
  • Installer - Select the Installer name from the drop-down list.
  • Job Task - Select the Job Task from the drop-down list.
  • Description - This is an optional field; you may type in up to 256 characters into this field.
  • Labor Task - Select the Labor Task from the drop-down list.
  • Units - Enter the number of Labor Units worked on the Job.
  • Pay Rate - This field will default to the Installers regular pay rate; clicking the drop-down arrow will allow you to select the Overtime, Holiday or Prevailing Wage rate.  An amount for Prevailing Wage will only be displayed if the Job has been assigned a Prevailing Wage code on the Job Work Order form.
  • Amount - The amount field will automatically fill in with the Units x the Pay Rate; this field may not be modified.  User permissions are required to be able to see the Pay Rate field on this form (Payroll Interface permission group/View Rate and Amounts).

Click the Add button when finished filling in the form.  Continue adding records until finished.