Cancelling a Purchase Order

Once all Inventory Parts have been received on a Purchase Orders, the Purchase Order will automatically close. 

A Purchase Order may be manually closed that has never been received or has been partially received.  The SedonaOffice application allows a Purchase Order to be deleted, however it is recommended a PO be manually closed instead of deleting to provide an audit trail of the PO number. 

Follow the instructions below to manually close a Purchase Order. 

1. Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select Accounts Payable/Purchase Orders.  The Purchase Order List will be displayed.

2. Open the Purchase Order to be closed: highlight a Purchase Order in the list then press the Edit button or double-click on the Purchase Order within the list to open the PO form.

3. The Purchase Order will be displayed.  Located at the lower left of the Purchase Order form is a checkbox labeled Closed; select this option.  Press the OK button when finished.  The PO will be removed for the open Purchase Order Listing.

 It is recommended to enter a note into the Memo field to describe why the PO is being closed without completely being received.  This provides a good audit trail for the future.