How to Tie a Non-Part PO to a Bill

Create PO. Click Apply or Ok.

Go to Bills. Choose Vendor. Make sure to enter a Reference number.

On choosing Vendor, you should receive a message telling you that the vendor has open Purchase Orders, would you like to enter a bill for one of these?

If you choose Yes, it will show you the list of open POs for the vendor. If you choose No, you can use the button called Purchase Options to open the same window.

If this Bill is to be tied to a Job or Service Ticket, you can choose the Job from the Job Cost or Service Cost columns.

Create Bill by clicking Apply or Save

You will receive a message pop-up letting you know that you have selected a PO with no parts ordered. Do you wish to close this PO now?

Choosing No will save the changes on the Bill but will not close the PO.

Choosing Yes, if you have unreceived expenses, you will get another pop-up message letting you know This PO has unreceived expenses. Do you still wish to close this PO?

Choosing No on this message save the Bill but will not close the PO.

Choosing Yes will close the PO.

Clicking Save will save the Bill.

You can then find the Bill in Pay Bills.