Cash Analysis

The Cash Analysis Report is used to compare the cash and credits balances between two accounting periods.  The report prints three groups of data:

  1. the net total of all deposits into each bank account
  2. the total Accounts Receivable amounts and unapplied items3) the net total amount to Accounts Payable.

Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button to display the report in Print Preview mode.

Report Selections

Branch - The default is to display data for All Branches.   If the data for only certain Branches is desired, you may highlight the first Branch, then depress the CTRL key and highlight additional Branches within the list.

· Hide Inactive Branches - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches, select this option.

Comparison Dates - This option is used to select the cut-off dates for the data to be displayed.

· As of Date - Enter the cut-off date for the report.

· Compare Date - enter the cut-off date for the comparison data column for the report.