Sales Reversal

Job Sales Reversal Overview
The Sales Reversal function is used when a Job has been cancelled and your company will not be completing the Job. 

Processing a Sales Reversal will created a Sales Reversal Change Order that will create negative amounts for all Install Charges, Recurring Charges and Part Charges entered on the Job.  

If the Job has already been invoiced and you want to reverse the invoice(s), you will have to credit these off manually.  If parts were issued to the Job and the parts are being returned to the warehouse, you will need to perform a return to stock transaction.  

Once the Sales Reversal has been completed, the Job Status will be changed to Reversed and drop off the Job Queue listing, but remain on the customer explorer as a part of the customer job history.  The job will become locked and no other transactions may be performed for the reversed job.

Access to Sales Reversals is controlled by User Group Security; the User must have this permission to be able to perform a Sales Reversal.  Step by step instructions are found on the following pages of this topic.

 Sales Reversals are permanent - make certain this is the appropriate action before performing this function.
Follow the instructions below to perform a Job Sales Reversal.

1.  Open the Job record for which the Sales Reversal will be processed.

2.  Navigate to the Job toolbar on the Job record.  Click the Work Order button located on the Job toolbar.

4.  If the Job being Reversed has already been invoiced, you will be presented with a message alerting them the Job has been billed and may need to have credits created.  Click the Yes button to proceed.

5.  The Job Reversal form will be displayed.  The Reversal Date field will default to today's date; you may override this date if necessary.  In the Memo field enter a note which indicates why the Job is being reversed.  This note will be saved to the Reversal Change Order Work Order note field.  Click the Save button when finished filling in the form.

6.  A new button will be added to the Job toolbar labeled CO then the Job Number followed by an R.  Negative lines will be added to each positive item that was entered on the Job; Install Charges, Recurring Charges, Materials, and Commissions.  This job is now locked down and no further data entry may be performed for the Job with the exception of returning parts to stock and crediting off any invoices previously created for the Job.