Prior to generating your first batch of Statements, make certain to read the topic Statement Process Definitions.
Follow the instructions below and on the following pages to generate and print customer Statements.
1. Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select the Accounts Receivable / Statements menu option.
2. Select Statement Options - The Statements form will be displayed which contains two tabs; Select Customers and Statement List. On the Select Customers form, select the preferred options according to your company's policies and procedures. Once all options have been selected, click on the Statement List tab at the top of the form.
3. Refresh the Statement List - From the Statement List tab, click the Refresh List button located at the lower left of the form. This will begin the customer selection process.
While the customer selection process is running, a status box will be displayed indicating how many customers are being evaluated and how many are left to be processed. If you have a very large number of customers in your database, this process may take a few minutes - be patient. Based upon our testing, approximately 18,000 customers takes about two minutes to process. While the statement process is running, do not use any other applications; just step away from your computer until the process is finished.
4. Review the Statement List/Late Fees - Once the process has completed the Statement List will display all customers eligible to receive a statement. If the option was selected to recalculate late fees, those amounts will be displayed in the Late Fee column.
It is a good practice to scroll through the list to verify the list of customers and/or the late fee assessment is accurate and statements are ready to be printed.
If customers appear on the list that should not receive a statement and/or a late fee, corrections must be made to the customer options first, then the Refresh List process may be launched again.
5. Once satisfied with the list of customers, click the Create Statements button located at the lower left of the Statement List form. This will generate the data file which will be used to print the customer statements. Once this process has completed, the Preview Statements and BFIS Export buttons will become available.
6. Print the Statements – To send the statements to the printer, click the Preview Statements button located at the lower right of the Statement List form.
The BFIS Export button is used only by those SedonaOffice customers who have subscribed with Sebis for out-source statement printing. Click on the link for instructions on creating a Sebis Statement Export file.
7. Printing Setup - The Printing Preferences form will be displayed. This form contains two setup tabs. Once your options have been selected, they will be remembered the next time you print Statements. Fill in the forms according to your company's policy and procedures. When finished, click on the OK button at the lower right of the Printing Preferences form.
8. The statements will be displayed in preview mode – be patient, this may take a little time if you have a large number of statements to produce. At the top of the print preview window is a counter indicating how many pages of statements are contained in this printing batch; do not click the Print & Close button until the counter has stopped. When ready to print to paper, click the Print & Close button located at the left of the top toolbar. The application will use the Default Statement printer that is defined in the SedonaOffice Printer Settings.
Once the Print & Close button is clicked, a message will be displayed asking if all the Statements printed correctly and should the last statement date be set; wait until the last statement has printed before clicking Yes on this confirmation message.