Returning parts to a warehouse from a Job record may only be done if the parts were originally issued from a warehouse (not directed expensed from a purchase order).
If the parts were received into the Job from a direct expense purchase order, parts may only be returned using the Issues/Returns option within the Inventory module.
If several part issue transactions have been performed for the Job, you may opt to perform the part return(s) from the Inventory module where it is much easier to locate the previously issued part(s).
If parts are being returned to a warehouse that were not needed on a Job, after saving the parts return transaction, the Issued Quantity on the Job Material List will automatically be updated. After performing the return transaction, you will need to update the required quantity of the part)s) on the Job Materials List.
If the Job is not locked, you may manually change the required quantity of the part(s) on the Job Materials List. If the Job is locked, you will need to create a Reversal (Negative) Change Order to reduce the part quantity requirement. Click here for information on creating a Change Order.
Follow the steps below to return parts to a warehouse from a Job record.
1. From the Main Application Menu navigate to Job Management and select the Job Queue menu option.
2. The Open Job List will be displayed. Highlight the Job within the list then click the Open button located at the lower right of the form or you may double-click on the Job line to open the Job record.
3. The Job record will be displayed; click the Tools button on the Job Toolbar.
4. From the Tools Toolbar, click the Issue Parts button.
5. The Part Issue form will be displayed. In the Upper right of the form under the Previous Issues section, highlight the Issue transaction record that contains the previously issued parts that are being returned to the warehouse. Check the Return to Stock checkbox located above and to the right of the Previous Issues section.
The lower grid area will fill in with all parts that were issued on the selected issue transaction record. The Qty column will be displayed in red, indicating this is a return transaction. If all parts are being returned, click the Apply button located at the lower right of the form. If not all parts are being returned at this time, change the quantity to the correct quantity being returned to the warehouse.
If any of the parts are not being returned, change the quantity to zero or highlight the row of each part not being returned then press the delete key on your keyboard to remove the part line from the return transaction.
When finished making the quantity changes, click the Apply button.