Job Listing

The Job Listing Report is designed to print a listing of Jobs displaying the Customer and Site Names and addresses, System information, Job Charges with amounts invoiced, Salesperson, Installer and Start and End dates of the Job.

This report is generated for Jobs with a Sold Date or a Closed Date within a particular Date Range.

Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button to display the report in Print Preview mode.

Report Selections

Department - The default is to display data for All Departments.  If the data for only certain Departments is desired, you may highlight the first Department, then depress the CTRL key and highlight additional Departments within the list.

Salesperson - The default is to display data for All Salespersons.  If the data for only certain Salespersons is desired, you may highlight the first Salesperson, then depress the CTRL key and highlight additional Salespersons within the list.

Date - Two options are available: Sold or Closed.

· Sold Date - This option will default to the current month date range.   If a different date range is desired you may change the From and To Dates.  If this option is selected, the report searches on the Sold Date field entered on the Job Work Order form.

· Closed Date - This option will default to the current month date range.   If a different date range is desired you may change the From and To Dates.  If this option is selected, the report searches on the Job End date that was entered by the User when closing the Job.

Install Companies - The report default is all Install Companies.   you may select a single Install Company from the drop-down list if desired.

Installer - The report default is all Installers.  you may select a single Installer from the drop-down list if desired.

Job Status - The report default is all Job Statuses.  you may select a single Job Status from the drop-down list if desired.

· Hide Closed Jobs - This option is selected by default.  If Closed Jobs are to be included in the report, un-check this option.

· Hide Reversed Jobs - This option is selected by default.  If Reversed Jobs are to be included in the report, un-check this option.

Job Type - The report default is all Job Types.  You may select a single Job Type from the drop-down list if desired.

System Type - The report default is all System Types.   You may select a single System Type from the drop-down list if desired.

Sort By - The report default is to sort by Customer Name.   Other Sorting options available are Customer Number, Job Number or Salesperson.

Options - Show Last Task Comments for Task; if this option is selected the User must make a selection from the drop-down list of the Job Task for which comments will be printed.