Closed Service Ticket Cost

The purpose of this report is to review the profitability of service tickets.  The report provides invoice and expense analysis broken out by Materials, Labor, and Other for service tickets closed within the date range selected.  Tax is not included in the amounts.

Note:  This is a custom report designed by a particular SedonaOffice customer based upon their specifications.  This report cannot be modified and is available for use by all SedonaOffice customers.  If the original designer of the report decides to make changes to the report, no notification is provided of any modifications or changes.

Report Options

Billable vs Non-Billable Tickets – In SedonaOffice a resolution code has a Billable flag. It can either be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. This report looks at the resolution code for each ticket to determine if the ticket is billable or not.

Regardless of any options selected, this report will always group and subtotal tickets by this flag.

Ticket Type – The options section, on the top row and to the right of center, looks at the inspection flag and service company on the closed ticket.

·     Show only service tickets - gives you tickets that are not inspections and are not for a third party service provider.

·     Show only inspection tickets - gives you tickets that are inspections and are not for a third party service provider.

· Show only Vendor service tickets - gives you tickets that are not inspections and are for a third party service provider. 

· Show only Vendor inspection tickets - gives you tickets that are inspections and are for a third party service provider. 

·     Show all of the above - does not limit the results by ticket verses inspection ticket or who the service company is on the ticket. 

The value selected in this section changes what technicians and service companies are available to select on the lower half of the Report Options form. 

Group By – You have the ability to add a group to this report. This will cause the tickets within that group to be broken out by billable or non-billable for each value.  The summary section at the end of the report will subtotal by Resolution Code for the selected group.

The following fields are available for grouping:

        ·     (None)

        ·     Branch

        ·     Problem

        ·    Service Company

        ·     Service Level

        ·     Technician

        ·     Route

Sort By – You can choose to sort service tickets within the Group By option you selected by the following fields:

        ·     Creation Date

        ·    Customer Number

        ·     Site Name

        ·     Ticket Number

        ·     Route

Printing Options –The Options section on the far right of the form, below Group By and Sort By, are Printing Options.  You can select Summary Only or Single Line Detail, not both.

· Summary Only - If you choose to print a summary only version, this report will not list each service ticket but will still provide subtotals based on the Grouping you selected.

·     Single Line Detail – If you choose to print a Single Line Detail, this report will show only the first line for each ticket in the detail section.  It will not include the Customer Number, Site Name or Site Address. The grouping and summary sections behave the same as if this option was not checked.

Print Resolution Note - If selected, the resolution note will display as a third line for each ticket.  This option is not available if you have Single Line Detail or Summary Only selected.

Branches – By default, this list is set to show only active branches.  To show all branches in the list, uncheck Hide Inactive Branches.

Only service tickets for sites belonging to the selected branches will be included.

Technicians – By default, this list is set to show all technicians who are employees.  To show only active employees in the list, check Hide Inactive Technicians.

If you select Show only Vendor Service Tickets, the list of technicians will change to only third party service providers.

If you select Show all of the above, the Technicians list will include employees and third party service providers.

Service Companies – By default, this list is set to show only your active service companies. To show all of your service companies in the list, uncheck Hide Inactive Service Companies.

If you select Show only Vendor Service Tickets, the list of service companies will change to only third party service providers.

If you select Show all of the above, the list of service companies will include your service companies and third party service providers.

Routes – By default, this list is set to show only active routes. To show all routes in the list, uncheck Hide Inactive Routes.

Service Levels – By default, this list is set to show only active service levels. To show all service levels in the list, uncheck Hide Inactive Service Levels.