Enter a Bill-Match to a PO

Entering a Bill and matching to a Purchase Order should only be done when a Purchase Order was not and will not be received.  
Some companies do not receive Expense Type Purchase Orders; in these situations, a Bill would be matched to a Purchase Order. 

Follow the instructions below to enter a Bill by matching to a Purchase Order. 

1.  You may enter a new Bill either from Accounts Payable/Bills or from the Vendor Explorer and right-clicking on the Bills tree option and selecting New Bill.

2. After selecting the Vendor, you will be presented with one the message: The Vendor has Open Purchase Orders-would you like to enter a Bill for one of these?; select Yes to this question.

3. The Select Purchase Order list will be displayed. Highlight the Purchase Order that is a match for the Bill being entered then click the Save button located at the lower right of the list.

4. The Bill form will auto-fill in with the information from the Purchase Order.  Fill in or modify the information as needed. 

  • Category - Make certain the correct Category is selected. This will default from the Purchase Order, but may be changed. 
  • Reference - In the Reference field enter the Vendor Invoice Number. 
  • Enter the Bill Date - the Payment Due Date will automatically be calculated based on the Bill Date entered and the default Terms for the Vendor. The User may override the Terms Code or the Due Date if needed. 
  • Eligible for Discount Amount - If a discount is available some or all of the bill amount, enter the amount that is eligible to be discounted if the bill is paid within the discount days associated with the Term Code on the Bill. If the bill is not eligible for a discount, leave this field blank. 
  • Amount - Enter the total amount of the Bill. 

Expenses - If the Bill being entered has additional costs that were not specified on the Purchase Order, navigate to the Expense tab of the Bill form and select the G/L account and enter the amount for any other expenses. 
The Total field at the bottom of the Bill form keeps track of all amounts entered into the Bill; if changes are made to the costs defaulted from the Purchase Order, you must change the Amount in the header of the Bill form. You will not be able to save the Bill if the Amount in the Header is not equal to the Total field.

  • Memo - If a memo was entered on the Purchase Order, this will default into the bill. You may change or remove this information if desired. 

5. If your company has subscribed to SedonaDocs, and a document needs to be attached to the Bill, click the Apply button then navigate to the Documents tab and either scan in and attach a document or add an existing saved document.  If no documents are being attached, proceed to step number 6.

6. Once all fields have been populated, click the Save button located at the lower right of the Bill form.