
Manufacturer is an optional setup table.  Typically all setup tables can only be accessed from SedonaSetup, however since staff members creating new parts may frequently need to add to the list of Manufacturers.  For this reason, this setup table is available within the Inventory module menu.

It is highly recommended that your company utilize the functionality of assigning a Manufacturer to each Inventory Part.  When a User is creating a new part number, the Manufacturer is a selectable field on the Part Detail data entry form.  If your company is using QuoteWerks, this is a required data entry field for Part setup.  When searching for Inventory Parts you may use the Manufacturer as a filter.
To create a new Manufacturer record, click the New button at the bottom of the form.  Enter the Manufacturer name (may be an abbreviation if this is a long name) of up to 25 characters, then click the tab key on your keyboard.  The information entered into the Manufacturer field will automatically fill into the Description field; you may modify the Description if desired. 

Click the Save button when finished.

If a Manufacturer is no longer going to be used, double-click on the Manufacturer in the list, then in the lower area of the form select the Inactive checkbox then click the Save button.  Any parts linked to this manufacturer will remain linked, however this Manufacturer will no longer display in drop-down lists for selection on the Part Setup form or the Part Search form.

A Manufacturer record may be deleted only if it is not linked to any part records.