How to Show Site Information of All Subaccounts on one Master Account Invoice

There are times when Master accounts need one invoice with all the subaccounts showing the site addresses.   This document will show how to achieve that result.  The version of SedonaOffice used is


The steps below will be done prior to running any Master Account billing.  These steps should be taken on each Subaccount that is to show the site information of that account.


  1. Open the Subaccount – Right click on the site – Click on Edit – Click on Setup Tab – Click/Verify the “Print Site Info on Invoices” option is marked – Verify Separate Cycle Invoice for Each Site is NOT checked – Save any changes

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2. After the Master Cycle Billing is ran – Double click on the invoice – Select Form Standard form, or Bridgestone Standard (Master Invoice will not let you change how displayed) – Click Ok button

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3. Click on Item Detail Tab – Make sure Show Cycle Description and Append Address 2 to Site Description is marked

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4. Add any other details from the other tabs that is needed and click on OK

5. When the Invoice opens it will show each subaccount that is billing to the master account broke out into each subaccount, site, RMR and cycle period

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