Paying Bills is a two step process - Selecting Bills to be paid and then Printing the Checks.
First the User will select which bills will be paid; these bills are placed in a check printing queue. Checks may be printed immediately or at a later time.
There is an option available to pay bills with a credit card. When this method of payment is selected, the bills are marked as paid and, the liability for these bills is transferred to the Credit Card Vendor selected. When the credit card statement is received, these payments will be reconciling items.
If credits are available to apply to Bills, only one Vendor may be processed at a time. Once all Bills have been paid for Vendors using Credits, you will process the remaining Vendors for payment. NOTE: If paying bills by credit card and if the bills are eligible for a discount, the software will not apply the discount; this would have to be handled manually. Note from Carolyn: I think a change was made to the software 6.1? that will now accomodate this - someone will need to research this.
Follow the topic links below for instructional information related to Bill Payment.
Pay Bills and Apply Vendor Credits