SedonaSetup - AP - Setup Processing for A/P

The Setup Processing for Accounts Payable form allows you to specify default information related to Purchase Orders, Check Printing, GST Tax information for accounts payable bills, and other accounts payable related information.
This form consists of two tabs; Setup and Other.  Each option on each tab will be described below.

Setup Tab
Purchase Order Setup

  • Auto Create PO Numbers - select whether you want the SedonaOffice application to automatically assign Purchase Order Numbers or if you will enter your own numbers.  If you decide to let the system automatically assign Purchase Order Numbers, you will need to enter the starting PO Number. 
  • Next PO Number – If you have selected to auto create PO numbers, you must enter a starting PO number.
  • Direct Expense All Jobs & Tickets – If this option is selected, when a Purchase Order or A/P Bill is entered selecting the Direct Expense option, the User will be required to link the PO or Bill to a Job or Ticket number.
  • PPV All Standard Cost Adjustments – This option only applies to A/P Bills entered that are linked to a Job or Ticket number.  If an A/P Bill is entered and the cost is different than the amount that was on the PO when it was received, the variance will post to the Purchase Price Variance G/L account (setup on the Inventory Setup form).  If this option is not selected, any variance will post to the cost of sales account for the Job or Ticket.
  • Special Message on PO Print – This text box is used to setup information that will print on every Purchase Order.  This field is optional.

Check Options

  • Allow Printed and Voided Checks to be Edited – If this option is selected, a User will be able to make changes to a printed or voided accounts payable check.
  • Show Account Balance – If this option is selected, when using the Pay Bills option, the balance in the bank account will be displayed to the user in the header of the Pay Bills form.

GST Information
This section is used for companies operating in Canada or Australia only. 

  • GST Number – Enter the government issued Goods and Services Tax identification number for your company.
  • GST Rate – Enter the current GST tax rate that will be used on accounts payable bills and credits.
  • GST Pay Account – Select the general ledger account number to use for posting GST tax on accounts payable bills and credits.

Other Tab

  • Enter Separate Posting Date for Bills and Credits – Selecting this option will enable a posting date field on the accounts payable bills and credits form.  This allows you to enter the date you want the transaction to post to the general ledger.  Normally the general ledger posting date is the date of the accounts payable bill or credit.  The posting date entered must be in an accounting period with an open or re-opened status.
  • Auto Update Purchase Price when Billed – If this option is selected, when an accounts payable bill is entered for an inventory parts receipt and the amount being billed is different that the amount at which the parts were received, the application will automatically update the current purchase cost of the part for the vendor when the bill is saved.
  • Allow Receipt of Part Over Shipment – If this option is selected, when receiving a Purchase Order for inventory parts, if the quantity the Vendor sent to you is greater than the quantity on the Purchase Order, the User will be allowed to change the quantity on the Parts Receipt for the overage.