Sedona-X Mobile: Service Ticket Appointments, Dispatching and Resolving


On the Sedona-X main screen, click on the Service Ticket section. A list of open Service Tickets will appear.  Scroll or search for the ticket.

At the bottom of the screen is an icon for appointments. This section will show all appointments. When looking for a specific appointment choose the ticket associated with that appointment, then choose the appointment section inside the ticket. 

A new appointment can be made from this section by clicking on the blue plus symbol.

Dispatching the Ticket

Selecting the appointment from the appointment section allows the dispatch and arrival times of the appointment to be input into the ticket. The Technician would choose the following drop-down menus in line with the dispatch, arrival, and departure times. 

Scrolling down on this screen gives the option to resolve the ticket as well.

Resolving the Ticket

The appointment resolution section is found at the bottom of the dispatch screen. 

To resolve a ticket:

  1. Select Resolve Ticket
  2. Add Resolution
  3. Add Resolution Note for internal staff or customers

TIP: A Resolve Ticket button can be found on the main ticket screen under Service Ticket Status.  

Looking for more information about Service Tickets in the Sedona-X mobile app?