Before closing a Job, there are several items which should be verified/reviewed prior to beginning the process. Until you become quite familiar with all the contributing elements of a Job, it is a good idea to develop a check list of items to review to make certain the Job is ready to be closed (see below).
Sample Job Closing Checklist
If a Job is closed and it is later realized that additional costs or invoicing needs to be added to the Job, the Job may be re-opened for such purposes. Keep in mind, this may affect Job Costing reports if the Job was closed in one month and costs or income was added in a subsequent month.
Note: The first Job Closing form requires you to select which parts were installed on the Job will become a part of the System Equipment List. The person closing the Job should have the knowledge regarding parts to be able to perform this operation.
Many SedonaOffice customers hold a weekly Job Closing meeting where representatives from operations and accounting gather to review the profitability of Jobs to be closed and actually perform the Job Closing in a group setting.
The instructions in this section apply to closing all Job Types except Hold Back types. Follow the link for instructions on closing a Hold Back Job.
Note: All Job Tasks must be approved to be able to close the Job.
1. Open the Job to be closed.
2. From the Job toolbar, click the Tasks button. At the lower left of the Tasks form click the Close Job button.
3. If your company is using WIP (Work in Process accounts) and any costs have been posted to the Job after the final invoicing was completed, there may be amounts remaining in the WIP accounts. If this is true, the WIP Balance form will be displayed showing the amounts remaining in WIP that will move from the WIP accounts into the appropriate Cost of Goods/Expense accounts. The application will perform this transaction to the G/L automatically; click the OK button to continue.
4. The Load Equipment form will be displayed. At the top of the form enter the date on which the equipment was installed. The upper tier of the form lists all the inventory parts used on the Job. To the left of each part is a checkbox indicating this part is a serviceable part and should be loaded to the Systems Equipment list for future servicing of the system. This checkbox defaults from the Part setup. If any parts in the list should not be saved with the System Equipment List, un-check the checkbox to the left of those parts.
Click the Save button located at the lower right of the form. DO NOT click on the Close button - I this is accidentally done, the parts will NOT load to the System Equipment List and you will have to be manually add them to the System from the Customer Explorer.
5. The Job Close form will be displayed. Enter the Job End Date, Warranty Start Date and Contract Start Date according to your company policies and procedures.
When finished, click the Save button located at the lower right of the form; the Job is now closed.