Create a New Part

Prior to setting up new parts, three key setup tables must first be populated with your company values that are used in the part setup.  These setup tables -- Warehouse, Product Line, and Manufacturer -- are located and maintained within the SedonaSetup application.  The Manufacturer table is optional except if your company is using either QuoteWerks or WeSuites quoting software.  Setting up manufacturers is highly recommend to make the task of searching for parts easier. 

Follow the topic links below for information on these three setup tables.   

Warehouse           Product Line            Manufacturer

To create a new inventory part follow the instructions below.

1.  Navigate to the Inventory module from the Main Application Menu.  Select the Parts option within the Inventory module tree.

2.  The Inventory Parts search list will be displayed.  Click the New button located at the lower right of the form.

3.  The Part Edit/Part Detail form will be displayed.  This form is divided into several setup information forms, each of which will be defined within this topic group.  If your company is not using Stock Tracking, the Warehouse form will not be available.  The Part Detail, Vendors and Warehouse forms are required; all other information is optional.
Continue on for Part Detail form setup instructions.

Part Detail Form

Data Entry Field Definitions

Required fields are denoted with an asterisk after the field name.

Description Section

  • Part (Code)* - This field is used to enter the code by which the warehouse is identified.  Most companies use the manufacturer's part number.
  • Description* - The description field will automatically fill in with the value entered into the Part Code field.  Typically this description is very generic and will print if the part is sold on a Miscellaneous Invoice.  Most companies do not enter the actual part number as a part of the description of the part.  The User may enter up to 50 characters into this field.
  • Detail* - The description field will automatically fill in with the value entered into the Part Code field.  This is considered the technical description of the part.  The User may enter up to 256 characters into this field.
  • Product Line* - Select the appropriate Product Line from the drop-down list.  If a new Product Line needs to be created, click the "+" icon to the right of the field to add a new record to the Product Line setup table.  Once the new Product Line is saved, it will appear in the drop-down list for selection.
  • Manufacturer - Select the appropriate Manufacturer from the drop-down list.  If a new Manufacturer needs to be created, click the "+" icon to the right of the field to add a new record to the Manufacturer setup table.  Once the new Manufacturer is saved, it will appear in the drop-down list for selection.
  • Manuf Part Code - Enter the manufacturer part number for the new part.
  • Manuf Warranty* - Select from the drop-down list the appropriate manufacturer's warranty for the new part.
  • U.P.C. - If available, enter the Universal Product Code for the part (number below the barcode on a part label).
  • Notes - The User may enter information which is pertinent to the part.  For example, if another part is needed when using this part, you may type in a note referencing the other part.