Create a PO for Ticket Parts

If a Purchase Order for Parts needs to be created, this can be accomplished directly from the ticket. 

Before being able to create the PO within the Ticket, you must first add the Part(s) to be ordered to the Service Ticket Parts List on the Equipment and Parts form of the Ticket.  You must also un-check the “Stock” option to the left of each part that will be ordered on a PO.  
When creating a Purchase Order for Inventory Parts, you have the option of Direct Expensing the Parts to the Ticket or to receive the parts into a Warehouse.  Depending on which option is selected will determine the part cost that will be recorded to the Ticket and the General Ledger.

Direct Expensing
When selecting the Direct Expense option on the Purchase Order, the exact amount of the part cost that is received will be the cost recorded to the Ticket.  This is typically the preferred method.  If you are receiving special pricing from the Vendor for the parts and want this amount to be applied to the Ticket costing, you would use the Direct Expense option.  Using this option will bypass any inventory warehouse, and apply the expense directly to the ticket.  This is typically the preferred method.

Receive to Warehouse
When selecting a Warehouse on the Purchase Order, when the PO is received, you are presented with two options;

  • Receive to Warehouse
  • Receive and Issue Immediately. 

If the Receive to Warehouse option is selected, the parts will be added to the Inventory of the Warehouse from the Purchase Order Receipt.  You would then need to perform an Issue transaction from the Inventory module to move the parts out of the Warehouse and into the Ticket costing.  

If your company is using the Standard Costing method, when the parts are received into the warehouse, they will take on the value of the current standard cost for the part in the warehouse.  If the Purchase Order cost is different from the warehouse standard cost, a journal entry will automatically record the difference to the PPV (purchase price variance) account.  When the part is issued from the warehouse to the Ticket, the warehouse standard cost will be used for the transaction.

If your company is using the Average Costing method, when the parts are received into the warehouse, the software will automatically recalculate the average cost and apply this new current average cost to the parts being received into the warehouse.  If the Purchase Order cost is different from the warehouse current average cost, a journal entry will automatically record the difference to the PPV (purchase price variance) account.  When the part is issued from the warehouse to the Ticket, the warehouse current average cost will be used for the transaction.

If the Receive and Issue Immediately option is selected, the parts will be added to the Inventory of the Warehouse from the Purchase Order Receipt and then the software will automatically record an Issue transaction to move the parts from the receiving warehouse to the Ticket.

If your company is using the Standard Costing method, when the parts are received into the warehouse, they will take on the value of the current standard cost for the part in the warehouse.  If the Purchase Order cost is different from the warehouse standard cost, a journal entry will automatically record the difference to the PPV (purchase price variance) account.  When the software performs the issue transaction, the warehouse standard cost will be used to record the part cost to the Ticket.

If your company is using the Average Costing method, when the parts are received into the warehouse, the software will automatically recalculate the average cost and apply this new current average cost to the parts being received into the warehouse.  If the Purchase Order cost is different from the warehouse current average cost, a journal entry will automatically record the difference to the PPV (purchase price variance) account.  When the software performs the issue transaction, the warehouse current average cost will be used to record the part cost to the Ticket.

To create a Purchase Order for Parts, click on the Purchase Orders button on the ribbon of the ticket, and then click on the Purchase Order Menu Tab.

The Select Vendors to Create POs for list will be displayed.  If the Parts entered on the Equipment and Parts form have different Primary Vendors, you will select the Vendor(s) for which you want to create a Purchase Order.  You may select multiple Vendors if desired or create one Purchase Order at a time.  If selecting multiple Vendors, a purchase order form will open for each unique Vendor.  Each Purchase Order will auto-fill with the Parts where the Vendor on the PO is the Primary Vendor in the part setup.

The New Purchase Order form will be displayed.  Any parts listed on the Equipment and Parts form of the Ticket that were not flagged as Stock parts and where this Vendor is the primary vendor, will fill into purchase order.

The Purchase Order form is divided into three sections; the Header, Body and Footer.  Each section and the fields therein will be described below.

Purchase Order Header
Below are the descriptions/definitions for each field in the Header area of the Purchase Order form.

  • Vendor - The Vendor will automatically be populated.  The Vendor Address is information displayed below the Vendor field is from the Vendor setup information.
  • Category - The Category will default to the Category found on the Service Ticket form of the Ticket.  This should not be changed without first consulting your accounting team.
  • Ship To - If the Parts are being shipped to a Warehouse, the Ship To address will automatically fill with the address of the selected Warehouse [field to the right]setup. 

The Ship To address may be changed to Drop Ship to the Site location of the Ticket, or you may edit the address to change to any other address.  

Click on the Ship To button; a message will be displayed asking you if you would like to drop ship, if you click the Yes button, the Ship To address will change to the address of the Site associated with the Ticket.  If you click the No button, the area to the right of the Ship To button will be open for manual typing.

  • PO# - If your company has opted for auto-numbering of PO's, a Purchase Order number will auto-fill into this field.  If your company is not auto-numbering, you must enter a value into this field that has not previously been used on another PO.
  • Tracking # - This is an optional field to type in the shipper tracking number such as UPS or FedEx tracking numbers. This field is for informational purposes only.
  • Ship (Date) - If the Vendor has provided a date on which the parts will be shipping, this date may be filled in. This field is optional but helpful to other Users viewing the PO.
  • Parts Due (Date) - If the Vendor has provided a date on which the parts will be delivered, this date may be filled in. This field is optional but helpful to other Users viewing the PO.
  • Warehouse - If the parts being ordered will be received into a Warehouse, select the appropriate Warehouse from the drop-down list. The Branch field will automatically change to the branch assigned to the warehouse; this may not be overridden.  If the Direct Expense checkbox was selected, the Warehouse field will not be visible on this form.
  • Acknowledged - Access to this field is controlled by User Group Security.  If this field is grayed-out, this indicates the User creating the PO does not have permission to Acknowledge a PO. 

This field is designed to be used as a PO approval.  Once a PO is created, a manager may review the PO then select the Acknowledged option to approve the PO for ordering.  This is purely a procedural flag.  Not Acknowledging a PO has no impact on the ordering process; it is for informational purposes only.

  • Branch - The Branch will automatically fill in with the default Branch assigned to the Vendor; the User may change the branch if it is not correct for the PO being created.  If Parts are not being Direct Expensed to the Ticket, the Branch field will be dimmed-out and display the Branch linked to the Warehouse selected for the PO.
  • Ordered (Date) - The Order Date will default to today's date; the User may override this if necessary.
  • Method - From the drop-down list, select the method by which the parts will be shipped. This field is optional but highly recommended.
  • Ticket - This field will automatically fill with the Ticket Number.

Purchase Order Body
The Body of the Purchase Order will automatically fill with the Parts for this Primary Vendor.  You have the option of adding additional Parts if needed.

  • Part (Code) - The Parts section will automatically fill with the Parts for this Primary Vendor.  If you need to add additional parts, click on the New button, then on the next blank row in the body, you may type in the exact part number or lookup the part by clicking the Part Search button to the right of the field.  If the Select From All Parts option was selected in the PO Header, all active parts for all Vendors will be available for selection.  If this option was not selected, only parts for which the Vendor selected in the PO Header is a supplier in the part setup will be available for selection.  This ability to use the Select From All Parts option is controlled by User Group Security.
  • Description & Vendor Part- Once a part is selected the Description and Vendor Part number from the part setup will automatically fill in.
  • Quantity - The quantity will default to 1; you may change the quantity if necessary.
  • Cost - The cost will automatically fill in with the current purchase cost for the Vendor; you may override the unit cost if necessary.
  • Received - This field is not available for data entry.  The received quantity will automatically fill in when the PO is received at a later time.
  • Standard - This field is for informational purposes only.  The current standard cost or the current average cost (depending on your company's costing method) for the Part will be displayed in this field.
  • BO - The Back Order field is for informational purposes. If the Vendor indicates the part is on back order, if this field is selected, when viewing the PO from the Purchase Order List in the Accounts Payable module, the PO will be displayed in a red colored font.

Purchase Order Footer
The Footer of the PO contains one data entry field and two display only fields.

  • Memo - The Memo field may automatically fill in with information.  If this occurs the information is defaulting from the PO Memo setup for the selected Vendor.  You may add additional information to the default memo if needed.  Up to 256 characters of information may be entered into this field, and this text will print on the Purchase Order.
  • Total (Cost) - This field is not available for data entry. The Total Cost is automatically filled in with the total of all parts and expense item amounts in the Body of the PO.
  • Received (Cost) - This field is not available for data entry. The received cost will automatically fill in when the PO is received at a later time.

When finished filling in the data entry fields, click on the Save button located at the lower right of the form.

Note:  If your company has subscribed to SedonaDocs and you want to attach a document to the Purchase Order, instead of clicking on the Save button, click on the Apply button first.  This will save the information on the Purchase Order form, then allow you to click on the Documents tab to either scan in or attach a previously saved document.  After attaching documents, click the Save button.