Create a PO for Expense Items

If a Job requires the purchase of expense items, Purchase Orders may be created from the Job record or from the Accounts Payable Module/Purchase Orders menu option.  When creating purchase orders for a Job, the Purchase Order is linked to a single Job number.  This creates an audit trail linked to the Job record for job costing purposes.

1.  Open the Job record from the Job Queue.

2.  Once the Job record is displayed, click the Tools button on the Job toolbar, then click the Purchase Orders button on the Tools Toolbar.

3.  To create a Purchase Order, position the mouse in the white area of the Purchase Orders form, right-click then select the Create Labor PO option.  

4.  The New Purchase Order form will be displayed.

  • Select the desired Vendor
  • Check the Direct Expense checkbox
  • Click on the Expense tab, and select the desired expense accounts

When finished, click on the OK button at the lower right to save.