EFT Setup

Once all existing EFT transactions have been submitted to Forte, and the new DEX credentials from Forte have been generated, setup for the new EFT processing can begin. The following Payment Processing message will appear, click on the OK button to proceed. 

  1. Navigate to SedonaSetup and select EFT Setup from the listing on the left. 

  1. A message will box will be displayed informing the user that switching to the new EFT process is not reversible, and all new credentials should be in hand before moving forward. Click the Yes button to proceed. 

  1. The new EFT Setup form will be displayed. Click the New button at the lower right of the form to begin entering information obtained from the DEX Portal. Each data entry field will be described on the following pages of this document. 

  • Automatically Submit Transactions – When this option is selected, all credit card and bank transactions with a status of “Ready” and a hold date less than or equal to the current date will be submitted to Forte automatically at the preset times of 8:00 am, 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm local time.
  • Authorize processing of transactions using the live service – When this option is selected, all transactions will be submitted to the LIVE Forte Server. This box should not be selected if the user is working in the sandbox environment.
  • Use Test Service – When selecting this option, all transactions are submitted to the Forte Test Service. This should only be checked if you are in a Sandbox company.
  • Send Branch Code – Custom setting to submit branch code to Forte when processing transactions.

  • In the Processor section, you will type in your credentials provided by Forte via the DEX Portal:
    • Merchant ID
    • Access ID
    • Secure Key
    • Organization ID

  • Provider API – Unless otherwise instructed by SedonaOffice staff, enter Forte in this field.

The Posting area contains fields to enter information that will be used if a customer on auto-pay also wants a printed cycle invoice.

  • ACH Payment – If your company is accepting payments via bank draft, select EFT from the drop-down list. If your company is not accepting bank draft payments, skip this field and the next field, ACH Invoice Message.
  • ACH Invoice Message – If you selected EFT in the ACH Payment field, enter the text that will print on the customer’s cycle invoice. An example is provided in the screen shot below.
  • Credit Card Payment – If your company is accepting payments via credit card, select Credit Card from the drop-down list. If your company is not accepting credit card payments, skip this field and the next field, Credit Card Invoice Message.
  • Credit Card Invoice Message – If you selected Credit Card in the Credit Card Payment field, enter the text that will print on the customer’s cycle invoice. An example is provided in the screen shot below.

  1. When finished filling in all fields on the EFT Setup form, click the Apply button at the lower right of the form. The Merchant setup information will be listed in the upper tier of this setup form.
  2. Click on the Merchant setup row in the upper tier to populate the fields in the lower section of the form.

When finished filling in all fields on the EFT Setup form, click the Apply button at the lower right of the form. The Merchant setup information will be listed in the upper tier of this setup form.

Click on the Merchant setup row in the upper tier to populate the fields in the lower section of the form.

  1. The last step is to tokenize all bank accounts on file and to verify all credit cards on file are valid. Click on the Run PCI Compliance button located at the lower left of the EFT Setup form.

Note: Some SedonaOffice customers have received an error message when clicking on the Run PCI Compliance button. If you receive an error message, please contact SedonaOffice Support for assistance.

Depending on the number of credit cards and bank accounts in your database, this process may take several minutes – be patient. Once the PCI Compliance process has completed you will be able to begin processing EFT transactions in SedonaOffice.

If the PCI Compliance program found bank accounts or credit cards with invalid information, a list will appear with the problems. You will need to correct each invalid bank account or credit card in your SedonaOffice database. After all corrections have been completed, run the PCI Compliance program again.