How to Apply Vendor Credit

Applying vendor credits on a vendor will be shown in the steps below. The steps cover SedonaOffice version and above.


The steps below are assuming the correct permissions are given to perform all the steps.  The vendor example being used is one that uses Comdata, however the steps can also be used for other vendors as well.


  1. Open the Vendor that the credit is to be applied
  2. Right click on the credit to be applied – Select Apply Credits

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3. When the Pay Bills window opens – Click on Vendor Credits Tab – Click in the Apply box for the credit to use – Should see the total Payments amount at the bottom of screen – Click on Vendor Bills Tab

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4. Click on box to Pay the bill – Change the Paid amount to the amount of the Credit being applied – The Total Payments should now be $0.00 – Click on Save – Click Yes button to apply

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5. When the Applying Credit Only window pops up – Click on Yes to apply and no check included

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6. In Pay Bill window, the bill that had the credit applied will still show in the list with the new balance after the credit

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7. Open the vendor and the Open Bills show the new Net Due after credit

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8. Reopen Comdata and now the vendor bill is showing the balance that is due after the credit is applied – The bill can now be paid via Comdata

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