The Check Register Report lists A/P checks written from a particular Bank account within a particular date range. There are several options and filters available for this report. Once the desired options have been selected, click the OK button to display the report in Print Preview mode.
Report Selections
Check Date Range - The from and to date range will automatically fill with today's date. Select the beginning and ending date for the report to determine what data will be displayed on the report.
Bank Account - Select the desired Bank from the drop-down list.
Check Number Range - The default is set to All checks. If a particular range of check number is desired, select the Check Number Range radio button, then enter the beginning and ending numbers in the range. If entering a range of check numbers, make certain the Check Date range coincides with when the checks were written.
Vendor Code - The default is to display checks for All Vendors. If a particular Vendor is desired, you may make a selection from the drop-down list.
Show Cleared Checks Only - If only checks which have been cleared on the Bank Reconciliation are desired, select this option. If this option is selected, the Sort by option (below) is available for use.
Show Missing Checks - This option is selected by default. The report will display missing check numbers or ranges of missing check numbers in a blue font.
Sort By - This option is only available if the Show Cleared Checks Only option was selected. The choices are to sort by Check Date or Check Number. The default is to sort by Check Number.
Note: Data displayed with a red font indicates a voided check.