How to Reverse Job RMR through a Reversal Change Order

After any change orders are entered on a job, any changes afterwards needs to be done by doing a change order.  This also applies when RMR either needs reversed or changed.  The following steps will guide you through the reversal process. 

These steps were created in SedonaOffice version


The steps below are picking up after a Reversal Change order has been entered into the Tasks and added.


1.After the Change Order has been entered and opened – Click on Recurring in the left window or Recurring button located at the bottom of the window.

2.The RMR Reversal window will open.  Only negative quantities or amounts will be entered.  Click on New button - Enter information about the RMR and the negative amount adjustment – Click on Save button – Click on Apply

3.Once applied – will see the adjustment in the Job Sales Summary as a Negative amount