Cancellations Overview

Customer cancellations are a reality for every business.  The SedonaOffice application provides a vehicle to track, manage, and report on customer cancellations as they occur.  The Cancellation option within the Client Management module is used when the relationship between your company and one of your customers will be terminated.  Once a cancellation has been completed, the canceled customer will remain in the SedonaOffice database for future reference or possible reactivation.  Once a cancellation is completed, all recurring lines associated with the customer will automatically be canceled as of the effective date entered on the customer cancellation record.  The Customer status will be set to CANC, and all Sites and Systems attached to the customer will be set to an Inactive status.

While a customer cancellation is in process, the customer record is labeled with the words “Cancellation Pending”.  This is to alert any User accessing that customer record of the pending cancellation situation.  Users are also alerted if they attempt to create a new Service Ticket for a customer with a pending cancellation.

When Not to Use the Cancellation Process

If one of your customers wants to cancel recurring services but remains a local service-only customer, the Cancellation process is not used; rather the User would manually cancel any recurring lines that are to be stopped at the customer’s request via the Customer Explorer record.

For more information related to Cancellations refer to the topic links below.

How To Cancel a Customer 

Completing a Cancellation 

Managing Cancellations  

Removing a Customer from Cancellations