

Cancellations Overview
Customer cancellations are a reality for every business.  The SedonaOffice application provides a vehicle to track, manage, and report on customer cancellations as they occur.  The Cancellation option within the Client Management module is used when...
Cancellation Concepts and Terminology
The workflow for processing customer cancellations depends mostly on your company’s setup of Cancellation Profiles and Cancellation Tasks.  When a new cancellation is initiated by a User, a Cancellation Profile must be selected.  A Cancellation Pro...
Completing a Cancellation
Once all Cancellation Tasks have been checked off and the User is ready to finalize the cancellation, open the Cancellation record from the Cancellation Queue.  Select the  Completed  check box located at the lower left of the Customer Cancellati...
How to Cancel a Customer
New customer cancellations are initiated from the Client Management module.  Select the  Cancellations  option within this module. 1. After selecting the Cancellations option within the Client Management module, the Cancellation Queue will be ...
Managing Cancellations
As cancellation tasks are completed a User will return to the Cancellation Queue, open the appropriate Cancellation record, and check off the completed tasks.  Once a task is checked off, the date on which this was done will be displayed next to th...
Removing a Customer from Cancellations
If a customer is no longer going to be canceled either by the customer’s choice or a decision made by your company, the customer may be removed from the Cancellation Queue.  If the customer’s recurring lines were previously manually canceled, the U...