How to Add Canadian Address Information into Geographic Tables

This article will go over how to add other countries’ address information into the SedonaSetup Geographic Tables.  The steps are created in SedonaOffice version


The contents of this document assumes the user has the correct permissions to add the data into the SedonaSetup Geographic Tables.  Canada is the country being used in this example.  If the country address information that is to be entered is not listed in the Geographic Information, the Other option will need to be used.


  1. In SedonaOffice Tree – Select Sedona Setup
  2. Click on Geographic Tables
  3. Click on Canada

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  1. Click on City – Then click on the letter the City starts with – Click on New if not listed – Add the name of the city – Click on Apply to save data entered

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generatedA screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click on Providence – Then click on the letter the Providence starts with – Click on New if not listed – Add the name of the Providence – Add the Short (abbreviation) – Click on Apply to save data entered

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  1. Click on Post Code – Then click on the letter or number the Post Code starts with – Click on New if not listed – Add the Post Code, Providence, City (Service Company and Rout are not needed) – Click on Apply to save data entered

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generatedA screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Once all areas of the address have been either verified entered or added as new, the data can be used in SedonaOffice in the address either for the BillTo, Customer, or Contacts